
a densidade, os 'wow buildings', as vantagens da crise, a crise da crítica e por aí fora

Ontem, no suplemento 'The City' do NY Times, a crítica octogenária Ada-Louise Huxtable falava do que sabe melhor: da sua cidade. Uma entrevista de Phillip Lopate.

{How can I be against density? I’m a New Yorker. I grew up with density.}
{[...] in a way I’m glad for this downturn in the economy. Because so much bad stuff was being built.}
{The Museum of Modern Art has become a real estate operation. I admit a certain amount of nostalgia: I remember a street that was once one of the best streets in New York, 53rd Street.}
{Bloomberg’s a businessman: he thinks development is planning.}

e por aí fora.